WEBINAR “Building the future smart mobility”

FRONTIER held its first public webinar on the 17th of January with its main aim the discussion of requirements for future network and traffic management systems. The webinar was attended by a number of experts from various transportation domains who participated in three parallel sessions dedicated to aspects such as smart infrastructures, integration of autonomous vehicles to traffic management, collaboration and business models for multi-stakeholder network management and planning tools for the next generation of traffic management systems.

Discussions were initiated by understanding the challenges currently being faced by different stakeholders involved in network and traffic management. A variety of technological, economic and organisational issues were stated including the cost of services, need for improved safety and resilience of transport systems, lack of cross-organisation collaboration and technological updating of traffic management systems.

During the workshop, experts suggested that most likely connected and autonomous vehicles will feature in public transport, shared and on-demand and logistics services in the next 5-10 years, while their penetration to private mobility was not foreseen for the near future. Furthermore, initiatives for training and educating humans in all layers of traffic management were identified as key factors for the harmonious existence of CAVs and conventional vehicles in mixed traffic environments.

In the domain of future smart mobility, participants recognised the need for promoting shared mobility, improvements in traffic safety and multi-agency coordination as key priorities. In contrast, lack of adequate legislation, unwillingness for cooperation among operators and lack of data standardisation were selected as the main barriers for the deployment of innovative mobility services in the upcoming years.